
Customer Testimonials

Find out what our customers say about us and our work.

M W Property Maintenance refitted our commercial premises, working night shifts and weekends so as not to interrupt our working hours. The work was all first rate and our customers are so impressed.


Managing Director Henry's (Newcastle) Limited.

We  have just had a new bathroom fitted and We love it. All of the work has been done to the highest standards, M W Property Maintenance are honest and reliable I will definitely use them again for work in the future.


Mr& Mrs Cox, Ashington.

M W Property Maintenance have completed loads of work for us over the years from a wonderful new kitchen and bathroom, garage door, tiled floors, laminate flooring and new staircase. Every single job they have done has been of excellent quality and finish and I will undoubtedly use them again in the future.


Mark & Jane, Bedlington

Thrilled with the new windows and doors, absoloutley perfect.


Mr Lucas, Stakeford

Thank you for the great solid oak floor you have laid in our living room, we are saving to have the other rooms done soon!


Mr Ellis, Howden

I am very pleased with my new fence, the children cannot escape the garden now! I look forward to using your services again in the future.


Mrs Grieves, Guidepost

I am over the moon with my new conservatory the other rooms in my house have become redundant we spend so much time in the conservatory. Thank you.


Mr Sneddon, Ashington
